"We don't know who owns this object," said White House spokesperson John Kirby, adding that it was unclear where it began its flight. Now a similar object was shot down over Canada.
February 11, 2023

UPDATE: Here's another one shot down by the U.S, this time in Canada:

They said the object was about the size of a small car. Via Reuters:

WASHINGTON, Feb 10 (Reuters) - A U.S. F-22 fighter jet on Friday shot down an unidentified object flying high over Alaska, U.S. officials said, less than a week after the military brought down a Chinese balloon that had flown across the United States.

A Sidewinder missile downed the latest craft, which was about the size of a small car, said U.S. Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, the Pentagon's chief spokesperson.

"We don't know who owns this object," said White House spokesperson John Kirby, adding that it was unclear where it began its flight.

Wait, what? They shot down what?

U.S. officials declined to speculate about what the object might be, even after a day of observation, raising questions about what kind of object could be so difficult to identify by experienced U.S. pilots and intelligence officials.

The Pentagon said it was first detected on Thursday using ground radars. F-35 aircraft were then sent to investigate. The UFO was flying at about 40,000 feet (12,190 meters) in a northeasterly direction, posing a risk to civilian air traffic.

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