There is literally no part of Rep. George Santos's life that isn't suspicious after he's been outed in countless fabrications and dubious behavior. And now it's revealed that the Long Island fabulist was charged with theft in Pennsylvania's Amish Country in 2017 after a series of bad checks were written in his name to dog breeders.
This one thing should be bipartisan: Don't fuck with dogs. But somehow, newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is OK with putting Santos on committees even though Santos is a proven liar and swindler. This time, Santos' wrongdoing has to do with puppies.
Via Politico:
Just days after $15,125 in checks were made out for "puppies," according to the memo lines, Santos held an adoption event at a Staten Island pet store with his animal rescue charity Friends of Pets United, according to the store's Instagram account and a person who attended the event.
The charge was dismissed and his record expunged after Santos claimed someone had stolen his checkbook, according to the court and the lawyer.
The Pennsylvania theft charge, which has not previously been reported, is the latest revelation in a dizzying array of scandals for the beleaguered New York congressman, who fabricated much of his campaign biography. Santos is facing at least five law enforcement probes including an FBI investigation into his role in a service dog charity scheme tied to Friends of Pets United and a Brazilian fraud case.
Attorney Tiffany Bogosian, who was a middle school classmate of Santos and reconnected with him in 2020, told Politico that he told Santos, or whatever his real name is, that his checkbook had gone missing. In Santos's true style, he blamed someone else for that.
What a terribly flawed individual:
He fits in well with the new Republican-led Congress. We'll give him that, but that's not saying much.
[Ed. Note: This story smells too much like his Brazilian escapade where *he* stole the checkbook and wrote bad checks for it to be at all believable. - Karoli]