February 20, 2023

Log Cabin Republicans have hired Isabella Riley Moody as one of the chosen Outspoken Ambassadors of 2023.

Our pals at Right Wing Watch have the goods on her. Here she is showing off her LGBTQAI+ bona fides.

“Hey faggot, are you being serious right now?” Moody fumed. “You’re going to say that our society is a homophobic dumpster fire? Our society literally puts faggots on a pedestal and worships them as God. The rainbow flag is everywhere. We love it. It’s such B.S. to say that we’re a homophobic society. I wish we were a homophobic society, and that’s the goddamn truth!”

Isabella Riley Moody represents those good Christian right wing gay values Gay Patriot and the LCR espouse, doesn't she?

Outspoken Editors describes her thusly:

This funny, fierce, and fiery female is a modern conservative woman. She speaks out against those who demean and denigrate American values. While some of her previous accounts have been suspended and censored by Big Tech, she does not back down and still finds ways to have her voice heard.

Calling gays groomers certainly shows how she doesn't back down.

No siree Bob.

Brad Polumbo writes this piece for the Examiner: Gay GOP group lights its credibility on fire with bizarre move

For a pro-gay nonprofit organization to align with, promote, and (presumably) pay an openly homophobic influencer is to betray its mission and, frankly, its donors. As a result, it’s not going to be taken seriously again any time soon. And that’s a serious shame.

I've seen some weird things in politics since Trump ran in 2015.

But nothing squares this up properly.

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