February 2, 2023

Happy to see this change of tactic. It was only a matter of time before Hunter Biden (who, after all, is a lawyer, too) fought back. Via NBC News:

Lawyers for Hunter Biden sent letters Wednesday requesting investigations into allies of former President Donald Trump who they say trafficked in stolen information from his laptop — a dramatic shift in strategy for the president’s son after years of GOP attacks.

Among the letters, which were obtained by NBC News, was one sent Wednesday asking the Justice Department's National Security Division for an investigation into "individuals for whom there is considerable reason to believe violated various federal laws in accessing, copying, manipulating, and/or disseminating Mr. Biden’s personal computer data," including Rudy Giuliani, who was Trump's lawyer at the time.

Biden lawyers wrote a similar letter to the Delaware attorney general's office, requesting a probe into the same people, alleging they violated "various Delaware laws" in accessing Biden's information from what Trump has called "the laptop from hell."

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