February 26, 2023

A death row inmate in Florida used his last words to say a little something about Gov. Ronald DeSantis. Donald Dillbeck, 59, was not a fan of Ronald's. Dillbeck was executed by lethal injection for the 1990 murder of Faye Lamb Vann in a Tallahassee mall parking lot. His last words were about the Governor.

Via The Daily Beast:

"I know I hurt people when I was young. I really messed up," Dillbeck said, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. "But I know Ron DeSantis has done a lot worse. He's taken a lot from a lot of people. I speak for all men, women, and children. He's put his foot on our necks. Ron DeSantis and other people like him can suck our dicks." DeSantis signed the death warrant last month.

Faye Lamb Vann wasn't Dillbeck's only victim.

Via the Tallahassee Democrat:

It had been 32 years since Dillbeck was sentenced to death, and Lamb wasn't his only victim. At the time of her murder, Dillbeck had escaped from a work-release catering job in Gadsden County, where he was serving a life sentence for killing Lee County Deputy Dwight Lynn Hall, 31.

He was responsible for taking two innocent lives. I wonder how many DeSantis is responsible for over his handling of the pandemic.

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