February 27, 2023

Elon Musk sunk to new depths of depravity when he came out in defense of Dilbert creator Scott Adams' racist rant against Black Americans.

In his podcast, Adams ranted about a Rasmussen poll result for supposedly only Black Americans and then labeled "Blacks" a hate group, "the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people."

If you are a normal human being, you would realize Adams' racist words would have consequences in the real world. He certainly has had his eff around and find out moment.

Enter Elon Musk.

Musk responded to a tweet by @monitoringbias where they took a Rasmussen poll of only 1000 people, which would include some African Americans, and then claimed "20 million Black Americans hate white people."

And then Musk expanded on his thoughts.

I mean, WTF?

White supremacists have long promoted the idea that white people are the true victims of racism. Since Trump, Christian nationalists have amplified these horrific beliefs.

My pal Colby Hall writes, "The idea that the second richest man in the world is fighting for the aggrieved White folk seems laughable in its face."

Is Elon Musk becoming the new Grand Wizard?

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