Democrats must brag about their accomplishments, never apologize for being Democrats, and go on the attack constantly.
February 25, 2023

The story of the past generation in our politics has been Republicans becoming increasingly radical, corrupt, dishonest and incompetent. And Democrats often don't respond with the flatout truth, figuring people will get it on their own, or they think that responding to baseless and often slanderous attacks, even during a campaign, is beneath them. The fact is, refusing to fight fire with fire will lead to our democracy getting burned to the ground.

Here, political scientist Dr. Rachel Bitecofer and political ad writer Cliff Schecter point out that to message both our base and swing voters, Democrats must brag about their accomplishments, never apologize for being Democrats, go on the attack constantly to discredit, disrupt and outright mock the lunacy coming from the Republican side.

To quote Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai, "No mercy." This is how you ensure that lies don't become truths to Americans, and Democrats aren't out of the race before they even share what their candidacy is about.

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