February 25, 2023

Ridiculous Fox News hosts, contributors, Sen. Ted Cruz, and others have baselessly suggested that the air raid sirens that blared during President Joe Biden's trip to Ukraine were staged. There is zero evidence to back up their wild-eyed claim. And now, Don Jr., who totally didn't sniff an entire 8-ball of cocaine off of Kim Guilfoyle's surgically enhanced ass before his podcast, joined in on the smear against Biden.

Junior claimed that the sirens were fake and that it took more courage and bravery for his father to go to East Palestine, Ohio, than for Biden to go to Kyiv -- a war zone.

"There were no fake air raid sirens during Trump's visit in East Palestine," he said. "There was probably more danger there, given the chemicals around to the people still and my father, than there ever was for Joe Biden in Kyiv. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been there."

I'm not going to transcribe any more of that narcissistic gibberish. Tell us, Junior, how much courage it takes to murder rare animals on a trophy hunt. Tell us about that one, you chud. Also, he needs to tell us how brave his father was when he hid from the American people in a bunker. Donald Trump is super brave! He was so afraid of the people he was supposed to represent during the George Floyd protests that he hid in a bunker.

Also, Biden is trying to preserve democracy from a genocidal maniac, and Trump went to Ohio for a photo-op.

The former President seems very jealous of Biden's visit to a war zone. He took to Truth Social to call the air raid sirens "FAKE."

"The sirens that went off in Ukraine during Biden’s speech were STAGED, FAKE, PHONY," he claimed without offering any evidence to back his lying ass claim up. "He knew it, and so did everyone else. Scam!"

Air raid sirens go off in Ukraine constantly. Also, Don Jr. and his father are the whiniest little bitches on the planet.

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