During Charlie Kirk's latest show on Real America's Voice, the Steve Bannon sedition network, the host claimed he's asking rational questions when he wonders if the governments of Canada and the US are creating a false flag operation a la HG Wells' radio broadcast War of the Worlds to take control of our lives.
During a Pentagon briefing after a F-16 shot down an object over Lake Huron on Sunday, Gen. Glen VanHerck said, "At this point we continue to assess every threat or potential threat, unknown, that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.”
After playing the clip, Charlie "MAGA" Kirk took the Alex Jones route to claim this may be a government plot to lead to more lockdowns and government control of all our lives.
"Could this all just be a false flag operation to fake an alien invasion or fake a UFO hysteria crisis to try to justify more power, lock-downs, control?" Kirk surmised.
"These are all rational questions," he said.
These are not rational questions at all. They're paranoid fantasies, hatched in the imagination of a deeply disturbed man. A deep state orchestrated conspiracy to lock down the country because little green men are coming for your babies that has the entire Pentagon to sign on to is his first go to? Nothing more...logical?
Nothing MAGA Kirk ever does is rational. Honesty, reality and truthful dialogue is not something his show trafficks in.
MAGA Kirk's questions are targeted to enrage the insurrectionist, MAGA, voter fraud, white Christian Nationalist cult who are heavy anti-vaxxers comprising his audience.
Where's Orson Wells when you need him?