Alina Habba better get some new clients, because her continued representation of Donald Trump is going to cost her $1 million in penalties for filing a frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and others.
January 20, 2023

Whoopsie. Looks like Donald Trump's continued abuse of the legal system to try to annoy, punish and drown his perceived enemies in frivolous lawsuits is going to cost him a whopping $1 MILLION DOLLARS. News broke that the judge had it with him, and not only did the case get thrown out late last year, but a motion for sanctions was approved, and the penalties are huge - for both Alina Habba, the parking garage lawyer who loves to go on FOX News and fly around on private jet while auditioning to be Wife #4, and for Trump himself.

Here was the breaking news on MSNBC:

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: We have breaking news at this hour from a lawsuit in Florida, where the judge is now sanctioning Donald Trump and Donald Trump's lawyers to the tune of about one million dollars, $937,000. This is a lawsuit the plaintiff, Donald Trump, brought against Hillary Clinton in Florida, and that suit was dismissed. The judge in the case, in assessing in effect fines to Donald Trump and his lawyer, says this: "The case should never have been brought. Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the very start. No reasonable lawyer would have filed it, intended for political purposes, none of the counts of the amended complaint stated its legal claim. Thirty-one individuals and entities were needlessly harmed in order to dishonestly advance a political narrative with a continuing pattern of misuse of the courts by Donald Trump and his lawyers, undermining the rule of law, portraying judges as partisans, and diverting resources from those who have suffered actual legal harm. This opinion goes on for 45 pages of this. These fees have to be paid by Donald Trump personally and his lawyers. That's what the judge has assessed in this case. This is a very unusual thing for a court to do, and it takes the most egregious kinds of violations before a judge goes to this length.

Read the blistering ruling here. It is a DOOZY.

The exact wording is "joint and severally" which means that one or both have to pay, it doesn't matter who pays what part. It just must be paid in full. So if Trump pays zero, Habba has to pay it all.

Less than one day after this scathing ruling, Trump and Habba have withdrawn their lawsuit against NY AG Tish James, which was also set to be heard in front of the same Judge.

How long until an email goes out to all of MAGA world begging for money to pay these mean, liberal, angry, Trump-hating courts? I give it until the end of the day.

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