Trump Advised Rudy Giuliani To Take Classified Docs Home
Credit: DonkeyHotey
January 16, 2023

Rudy Giuliani, a personal attorney for Donald Trump, said the former president invited him to take confidential documents home with him.

On his Sunday WABC radio show, Giuliani recalled how Trump handled confidential documents soon after becoming president.

"Top secret files are very strange," Giuliani said, referring to classified documents found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and President Joe Biden's home.

"What concerns me, and this is because of politics, the total difference between Trump and Biden," he continued. "Trump is going through a negotiation every president goes through. He took them and he put them in his home and he put them in a secure place."

When I was his lawyer, I mean, there was a period of time I was there like ten straight days," he remembered. "I was vetting other people when he first became president and their tax returns."

Giuliani said that Trump told him to take documents out of the building.

"This is my training on top secret," he explained. "I didn't take them out of Mar-a-Lago. He told me, 'Oh, take them home with you.' I'm not going to take Wilbur Ross' tax returns home with me! I could misplace them!"

Listen to the audio clip below from WABC or at the link.

Ed. note: The previous title reversed Trump and Giuliani. It has been corrected. We apologize for the error.

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