January 2, 2023

The Morning Joe crew ripped into the right wing's crazy Qanon aunt, Ginni Thomas, this morning.

"More newly released transcripts reveal Ginni Thomas expressed regret for her texts fanning conspiracies for the 2020 presidential election," Mika Brezinski said.

"The committee obtained 29 texts between Thomas, and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, which were first reported by the Washington Post and CBS News. In the messages, Thomas urged Meadows to do what he could to keep former president Donald Trump in power despite President Biden's win.

"In one of her messages to Meadows, Thomas wrote, quote, 'Help this great president stand firm, Mark. You are the leader with him who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and left is attempting the greatest heist of our history.' This is the wife of the Supreme Court justice."

"She has also been in Washington long enough to know better," Joe Scarborough interjected.

"In another, she wrote, quote, 'Biden crime family and ballot family co-conspirators, censorship mongerers are being arrested and detained for ballot fraud right now, and over coming days, and will be living in barges off Gitmo to face military tribunals for sedition."

As Scarborough points out, that's another Qanon conspiracy theory.

"When interviewed about the communications, Thomas told the committee, quote, 'I regret all of these texts. It was an emotional time. I was probably just emoting as I clearly was with Mark Meadows somewhat.' Thomas also told the committee she was hopeful that state legislators could identify fraud in the 2020 election, thereby allowing the election to be overturned in favor of Trump."

She also told the panel her actions regarding the 2020 election were 'minimal and mainstream,' and that she was 'involved in things that were trying to get to the truth.'

"She says her views are mainstream, and she's talking about putting the Biden crime family, as she said it. she believes her radical views were mainstream, texted the chief of staff saying the president and his family should be shipped to barges after Gitmo to face military tribunals for sedition.

"No, she wasn't," Scarborough said.

"She believes her radical, freakish views are mainstream?"

"You know, there's this victimhood," he continued.

"You look at her statements and her lawyer's statement. She doesn't really regret that she sent these texts. If you read the transcript, she regrets that they were printed. That's all she regrets. And this victimhood, again, I think it fits perfectly into the twisted logic of Trumpism, that the most powerful people in America, the richest billionaires in America, the people that have run America for 400 years, they're the ones who are victimized, the rich are victimized, asked to pay average rates.

"The powerful are victimized by woke college professors and in her case, the powerful are victimized when they were asked to respond to texts that show that she is trying to overthrow Madisonian democracy and the white majority that has run the United States for 400 years is victimized, well, by everyone, especially when they don't win every election."

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