January 18, 2023

The worm, I mean Speaker Kevin McCarthy made it sound like a no brainer when he told CNN’s Manu Raju that Rep. George Santos would be given seats on House committees. Yes, that's plural.

Raju followed up by asking if McCarthy raised “concerns” about Santos during the campaign. Presumably, he was referring to a New York Times article that revealed top Republican insiders, including at least one close ally of McCarthy, knew of Santos’ deceit.

Santos’ shocking record of lies now includes the fact that a campaign fundraiser impersonated McCarthy’s chief of staff during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.

But why should that be a problem now? McCarthy said, “My staff raised concerns when he had a staff member who impersonated my chief of staff and that individual was let go when Mr. Santos found out about it.”

Rep. George Santos could probably shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still get committee assignments, so long as he’s a Republican.

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