January 6, 2023

Republicans celebrated on the eve of Jan. 6th yesterday by nominating people other than Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker of the House. Here's who they nominated:

* Jim Banks
* Andy Biggs
* Byron Donalds
* Kevin Hern
* Jim Jordan
* Kevin McCarthy
* Donald Trump
* Lee Zeldin

Notice anything? All of them have cast votes in favor of overthrowing the U.S. government! We call them "insurrectionists." (They call themselves "patriots." Ha, ha!) This is something that happens when gullible and/or greedy people vote for Republicans.

Uncle Joe Biden, on the other hand, will celebrate the work of people who tried to protect our country from insurrectionist Republicans:

Don Jr. continues to make excuses for the traitors:

And in the "FAFO" category, special counsel Jack Smith is back in the United States. Yay!

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