January 20, 2023

On the Wednesday edition of Fox News' The Five, while debating the merits of the DC Council overriding the mayor's veto on their new criminal codes, several hosts went full-on racist, culminating in DC being compared to Somalia.

The District of Columbia is trying to revise the penal system from 122 years ago. Fox News will do everything it can the claim they are being soft on crime and are "not worthy" of statehood. After the city council voted to override the mayor's veto, Fox News attacked.

Jeanine Pirro claimed the new codes are supporting violent criminals.

Fake Democrat Harold Ford Jr. said he'd move from DC if these new rules were adopted.

Jesse Watters turned to his buddy Greg Gutfeld to scold the city like a child, and of course, it's a child from a minority household.

"If you're not going to behave, DC is never going to become a state," Watters said.

"Is this crazy that our nation's capital? And it's basically a third-world country -- it's a Somalia," Gutfeld said. "I mean, it's just a crime-ridden mess."

When criminal laws aren't torturous or draconian enough, Fox News goes on the offensive to promote their attacks -- soft on crime programming against the Democratic party and lawmakers.

DC does deserve to be a state. Revising the criminal codes adopted when women weren't allowed to vote, and the KKK was still a viable political party has been put off for way too long.

However, the only means of discussing it on Fox News is to go racist and juvenile.

We wonder how "The Five" feels about Alaskan statehood, given the high crime rate there.

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