January 4, 2023

The House adjourned Tuesday afternoon after Republicans remained in disarray after three votes for speaker. Greg Gutfeld tried to sweep it all under the rug by claiming that it’s all the fault of television. Never mind that speakers have been successfully and uneventfully elected in the age of television for the last 60+ years.

“What are we doing?” Gutfeld asked. “If this was relegated to C-SPAN, we wouldn't even know it existed! And they would probably get through it.”

And speaking of performing for TV, Gutfeld pulled out a remote control prop and pointed it at the camera. “I want to fast forward through it,” he said. Then, with an exaggerated scrunchy face he said, “’cause we know what the ending’s gonna be, right?”

“The ending is probably going to be McCarthy,” Gutfeld added. “But I don’t care.” He started pounding on the table, adding, “This is the worst game of chicken ever.” Then he started gesticulating about two cars playing a game of chicken.

But Gutfeld knows it’s not television’s fault. “It’s just bad. It’s like Republicans read a book by the Democrats saying how to really screw up your party,” he admitted.

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