January 16, 2023

During a sneering, nasty segment where they were literally losing their minds over the prospect of the likes of Hillary Clinton, Bill deBlasio and Beto O'Rourke being hired for teaching positions at several universities across the country, the hosts of Fox & Friends Weekend, Will Cain and Pete Hegseth, after mocking Clinton over the Benghazi hearings, an appearance on a syndicated radio show and on James Corden's show, offered up this bit of nonsense as to how the schools should "balance out" hiring Democrats.

HEGSETH: She will teach a sub-course on pandering, maybe on abandoning U.S. ambassadors in Benghazi, how to create a failed state in Libya. She'll be doing that at Columbia University, the school of international and public affairs, at Columbia University, where Bill Clinton used to be the chair.

CAIN: You know, the funny thing is, Pete, the truth is I don't have a big problem with Hillary Clinton or any of the other big Democratic politicians that we're about to name teaching at universities if it were balanced out by the students being able to hear another point of view as well.

HEGSETH: Good point.

CAIN: But you and I both know if, say, I don't know, George W. Bush or Donald Trump were offered a teaching position to sort of be with paired with Hillary Clinton's course, there'd be a massive protest at Columbia.

HEGSETH: Not allowed.

CAIN: Not even if you worked for Donald Trump, by the way.

Somehow the words "Trump University" never came out of either of their mouths while opining about whether the worst two presidents we've had during my lifetime, and possibly ever, should be teaching our college students anything.

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