Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson told ABC's Jonathan Karl that "January 6th really disqualifies" Trump from holding office again, but wouldn't rule out voting for him if he's' their eventual nominee.
January 2, 2023

If Republicans really believe that Trump isn't fit to hold office again, they need to quit grovelling as we saw Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson do here, but they're scared stiff of alienating his supporters. Here's Hutchinson on ABC's This Week following some questions about whether he plans a run to run for president before the conversation turned to Trump.

KARL: So, if Trump does become the Republican nominee again, will you vote for him? Will you support him?

HUTCHINSON: Well, I'm going to do everything that we can to make sure there’s alternatives, that he is not the nominee. And, of course, that’s a – all depends upon who else is out there.

But I do not believe that Donald Trump should be the next president of the United States. I think he’s had his opportunity there. I think January 6th really disqualifies him for the future. And so we move beyond that. And that’s what I'm going to be focused on.

KARL: So – so if – if January 6th disqualifies him, if you’re going to do everything you can to be sure he’s not president again, will you not support him if he is the Republican nominee? Just a simple question. Will you say, look, I’ll write in another Republican. You don’t have to support a Democrat. You can write in another Republican. That’s what Larry Hogan’s done twice. Will you say, I'm not going to support him no matter what?

HUTCHINSON: Well, I want to see what the alternatives are. And it’s premature, Jonathan, to get into what might happen in 2024. That issue will come up. But I want to see everything I can do to make sure there is the alternative, and that Donald Trump is not the nominee of the party. That’s the first thing. And let’s figure out how to do that.

So, in other words, yes, of course I'll support him. These cowards are bound and determined to help this fascist assume power again.

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