With his support waning, Trump could only manage a third-place result behind Ron DeSantis and Liz Cheney among Utah Republicans.
Trump Losing To Liz Cheney In Red State Utah Poll
Credit: Twitter
December 6, 2022

Apparently, Utah Republicans are tired of Trump, and truth be told, probably never liked having a fornicator-in-chief anyway.

Source: Independent

A surprising new poll from Republican stronghold Utah signals trouble ahead for Donald Trump - with voters favouring Liz Cheney over the former president for 2024.

According to a recent poll, Republican voters in Utah - who overwhelmingly supported Mr. Trump in both 2016 and 2020 - are beginning to pin their hopes on two of his most avowed rivals: outgoing Wyoming Rep Cheney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

In the poll by Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics, Republican respondents had the one-term president finishing third among a field of potential 2024 GOP presidential candidates, a result that has been echoed in recent surveys of both Democratic and Republican voters, showing the hold that the “Make America Great Again” president has on the GOP might indeed be slipping.

In the poll, Rep Cheney, who has built her brand of politics over the last few years around taking swipes at the twice impeached president for his conduct inside and outside the Oval Office, placed second as she picked up 16.4 percent support from Utah GOP primary voters.

So why would an ex-president be losing in Utah, a state that regularly votes Republican by large margins?

The signifiers from that poll last week also hint that Mr. Trump’s favourability with old-school Republicans may be fading, as nearly a full third of voters who turned out for Republican candidates last month view him unfavourably now, which includes 33 percent of self-described “Reagan Republicans” or “Traditional Republicans” as well as 34 percent of Fox News viewers.

Of those self-described “traditional” or “Reagan” GOP voters, about half said it’s time for Mr. Trump to stand down as de facto leader of the GOP. Among all Republican voters, that number is slightly fewer at 40 percent, but it still represents a significant number of GOP voters and the most opposed to Mr. Trump since he won the presidency in 2016.

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