A Special Message From John Amato
Credit: John Amato
December 26, 2022

I hope everyone is having a wonderful, safe holiday season.

2022 has been a wild year by all accounts.

The January 6 Select Committee held televised hearings and reminded the nation that MAGA cultists and Trump tried to overthrow the US government.

The Biden administration managed to pass excellent legislation, (The Inflation Reduction Act), when Joe Manchin became a Democrat again which targeted climate change, infrastructural, health care, manufacturing and finally allowing Medicare to renegotiate better drug prices for seniors.

What should have been a "red wave" election became a drip as the Democratic party retained the power of the Senate and did much better in the House.

Trump is being investigated on multiple fronts.

MAGA still claims when they lose elections, it's because of fraud. They are not going away. Liars gotta lie.

Crooksandliars.com been covering it every step of the way.

Last year I wrote, "As soon as Biden was sworn in, with no warning, Facebook devastated our traffic, threatened to de-list our page, and to this day will only allow us to PAY to promote our page on their service. Because most site visitors come here via Facebook or Twitter, we lost over half of our daily visitors."

After jailing us for over 430 days, and several lawyer letters later, Facebook finally unlocked C&L's Facebook. But the damage was done.

And now right-wing troll Elon Musk has taken over Twitter. Progressive voices like ours are once again threatened and corralled.

While Musk reinstates Roger Stone, his company refuses to un-ban C&L's own Conover for bogus reasons. Free speech, my ass.

Google, Twitter, and almost every other social media outlet and news app continually rejigger their algorithms to give aid and comfort to wingnuts, crooks, liars, anti-Semites, and white supremacists.

Guess what types of websites are left in the dust? Progressive websites. Honest news and opinion sites like Crooks and Liars struggle to make ends meet.

There's a reason we've been around for 18 years, and it's not because we have the Mercers or Kochs to support us. We haven't received millions of dollars like Breitbart has to promote right-wing propaganda.

We don't get funding from billionaires.

We only have you.

Please, we need you now. If you can reach into your pocket and donate at least $25 or more and maybe buy a yearly ad-free subscription, that would be awesome.

Please, help us out.

You can donate to PayPal or through Kindest.

Or you can send a check via snail mail to:

PO Box 1789
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

Any donation of any amount will be welcomed.

We really want to be around to fight for liberal values in the future.

The country needs it now more than ever.

Thank you. And all good wishes for a wonderful 2023.

Can you help us out?

For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or buy a year's subscription for an ad-free experience. Thank you.


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