December 9, 2022

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said Donald Trump is the kiss of death for the GOP in general elections.

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell highlighted the fact that Joe Biden made history in the 2022 midterms.

"Senator Warnock reelection victory marks the first time since 1934, that not a single incumbent Senator in the president's party lost a reelection campaign in the president's first midterm election."


O'Donnell then played a clip of Mitt Romney's thoughts on the midterms.

"Pres. Trump lost again," Romney said. "He's a, if you will, a kiss of death for somebody who wants to win a general election and at some point we are going to have to move on."

Romney enjoys movie classics I see.

Trump lost 12 of 14 of his highest profile candidates in the midterm elections.

As Conover wrote:

Walker's loss is bad for Donald Trump, especially after Mehmet Oz lost to Fetterman, Kari Lake lost, Tudor Dixon lost, Adam Laxalt lost, Don Bolduc lost, Blake Masters lost, Bo Hines lost, Sarah Palin lost, JR Majewski lost, and they were all endorsed by Trump, the "kingmaker."

So much winning...

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