He said he's been advised that chemo-immunotherapy “causes hair loss and weight gain (although I am still holding out hope for the kind that causes hair gain and weight loss).
December 29, 2022

Rep. Jamie Raskin, one of our favorite constitutional lawyers and a standout in the Jan.6th insurrection hearings, revealed yesterday that he’s been diagnosed with cancer and will soon begin treatment. Via HuffPost:

“After several days of tests, I have been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, which is a serious but curable form of cancer,” he said in a statement.

Raskin, 60, will soon commence an outpatient course of chemo-immunotherapy but expects to be able to work through his treatment.

“Prognosis for most people in my situation is excellent after four months of treatment,” he said. “I expect to be able to work through this period but have been cautioned by my doctors to reduce unnecessary exposure to avoid COVID-19, the flu and other viruses.”

This is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer that grows in the lymphatic system.

Raskin, who’s served in the House since 2017, joked that his appearance may shift as he undergoes treatment, saying he’s been advised that chemo-immunotherapy “causes hair loss and weight gain (although I am still holding out hope for the kind that causes hair gain and weight loss).”

In 2010, he was treated with radiation and chemotherapy for Stage 3 colon cancer.

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