"How much stress on our system and on our democracy do we need to endure before we see that this man is a fascist?" the Morning Joe host said about Trump's call to terminate the Constitution.
December 5, 2022

The biggest question this weekend was, how strongly will our media institutions stand up to Trump's call to terminate the Constitution?

As it turns out, responses are mixed.

This morning, this was on the front page of the Times website, but near the bottom: 'Trump’s Call for ‘Termination’ of Constitution Draws Rebukes.' The classic "view from nowhere." Above the fold: "One Dough, Six Cookies."

The Washington Post was better, if not by much. Above the fold under "Opinions," a Ruth Marcus piece called 'Trump’s call for suspending the Constitution is too dangerous to ignore." Further down the page: "GOP lawmakers largely silent after Trump suggests ‘termination’ of Constitution".

CNN.com has a less-than-prominent story today: Trump’s call to terminate the Constitution is a fantasy, but it’s still dangerous.

Many people don't pay much attention to weekend news. If you picked up the nation's two top papers today, or checked CNN's website, you wouldn't get any sense of urgency about the former president calling to overturn the Constitution to hand him the last election.

You have to hand it to Mika. She keeps pushing on Trump, every day.

"You have to evaluate that. you have to evaluate that, so you have to evaluate racism, you have to evaluate anti-semitism, core values of our country. you have to evaluate when they are trumped on, and you have to evaluate terminating the constitution," she said.

"There is no Republican. there is no one who can call themselves a conservative -- quite frankly, there's no one who can call themselves an American and still support Donald Trump. It's pretty simple. and Republicans, you know this, you're in a corner. He's put you in there. You are squished into that corner. The question is, are you going to man up and step out?

"Donald Trump has now told us that he's a traitor to the U.S. Constitution. He's a traitor to America."

She said she didn't know what else Republicans needed to stand up to Trump.

"People like Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan, and Elise Stefanik, and other leaders in this party who can't claim to actually, even Mike Pence can't really come close to saying it. He's getting closer, God bless him, better late than never. But the Constitution of the United States of America, he stated he wants to terminate the United States Constitution."

"How much stress on our system and on our democracy do we need to endure before we see that this man is a fascist, and that he has very, very bad intentions and Republicans, you are helping him by not stepping up and manning up and saying what is right and who you are and what you really are, what you stand for, and if you're not a Republican, and you're not a conservative, then you can go follow after Donald Trump. But if you are, then you need to walk away loudly. Today."

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