Happy Holidays! Welcome To Our 2022 Crookie Awards!
December 24, 2022

Happy Christmas Eve, C&L community!!! It's been a long and sometimes frustrating year, but still one of the better ones we've had. Thanks to vaccines, we were able to get out and do things even if we had to wear a mask, the January 6 hearings came off monumentally well, and heroes and villains were everywhere.

We've put together our own list of naughty and nice people this year, along with some overall failures and successes worthy of recognition. All of our staff has been busy at work in the Crooks and Liars workshop writing posts to honor and dishonor this year's awardees.

We'll be posting these today and tomorrow, and also next weekend so that all of our staff can take a break and celebrate the holidays with their families.

On behalf of John, Fran, Aliza, Red, Capper, Scarce, Conover, Heather, Ellen, Susie, Ratt and Steve Greenberg, I thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to read, comment, and share our writing and especially those who have subscribed and donated.

We appreciate all of you and wish you a WARM, safe and healthy holiday.

Can you help us out?

For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or buy a year's subscription for an ad-free experience. Thank you.


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