December 26, 2022

This seems inevitable. The headquarters of the nation’s most prolific antisemitic propaganda group has moved from the Bay Area to Florida, to work with the rest of the right wing nut jobs. Via Jewish News of Northern California:

Jon Minadeo Jr., the leader of Goyim TV, announced the move in videos and social media posts this week, explaining that he had grown increasingly isolated in his hometown of Petaluma, and saw Florida as fertile ground for the hate group’s activities. The announcement came in a highly dramatic, Hollywood-style movie trailer replete with drone shots of the Florida coast, alligators and flamingoes. “My time in this state is over,” Minadeo says in voiceover.

A loose network of antisemites, white supremacists and virulently anti-gay activists, Goyim TV — which is both a website and the name of Minadeo’s business registered in California — focuses its efforts on spreading anti-Jewish propaganda. Its followers have claimed responsibility for hundreds of antisemitic flyer drops in more than 40 states over the past two years.

In the Bay Area, flyer drops blaming Jews for the Covid pandemic, for the war in Ukraine and for “gun control” have hit San Francisco, Danville, Berkeley, Marin City, Tiburon, and Novato, among other cities.

The thing is, there's always room for more of the crazy in Florida. I mean, just look at the governor and his minions!

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