The North Carolina State Board of Elections has ruled that Surry County must hold the election for a Dobson Town Commissioner because a poll worker inadvertently influenced the election:
The North Carolina State Board of Elections on Monday unanimously decided to call a do-over election for a local race in Surry County after a poll worker reportedly told at least one voter that one of the candidates running was dead, despite the person actually being alive.
“It is unfortunate what had happened and is certainly through no malice or ill will of anybody at the county,” said Damon Circosta, chairman of the state elections board. “But I think it goes to show that when issues arise, there’s procedures we have in which to remedy them and that’s where we are now.”
According to the state elections board, a poll worker had wrongly told one or more voters that Jonczak was dead when in fact another candidate — Sharon Gates-Hodges — had died. Regardless, poll workers sharing such information is prohibited. Gates-Hodges appeared on the November ballot, but received the fewest votes.
Although it's an unfortunate turn of events all the way around, it's nice to see the system actually work instead of the tantrums being thrown by TFG and his followers.