Arizona Border Containerpalooza Sale!
Credit: Steve Greenberg
December 30, 2022

Ed. note: A picture is worth 1000 words, but the story of how AZ Governor Doug Ducey paid millions to put these containers on the southern border as a wall to keep migrants out is worth adding here.

According to the Arizona Daily Star, Governor Ducey has agreed to pay AshBritt Management & Logistics $76 million to tear down containers they illegally placed on the southern border of Arizona to keep the brown folks out.

The problem, in a nutshell, is that the containers were placed on federal land, and the DOJ has sued Arizona to remove them. So after paying $95 million to install them, they will need to be removed. Who better to do that than the firm who put them there?

Imagine what $171 million could have done to make those migrants' lives less miserable instead of building a useless boondoggle to keep them out?

- Karoli

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