Russian Mothers 'Rewarded' With A Set Of Towels For Fallen Sons
November 28, 2022

This one didn't go over well, even in Russia. The Facebook page, or rather, the Russian version of Facebook removed the official government page with the photos after they received so many complaints.

Source: Vilag Gazdasag (Hungary)

On the occasion of Mother's Day, one of the leaders of the Kursk region in Russia made a grotesque gesture, presenting a set of towels to mothers who lost their sons on the Ukrainian front.

Outrageous news came to light in the Russian media: one of the district leaders of the Kursk region, Sergey Korostyev, gave a set of towels to mothers who lost their sons on the Ukrainian front, reports the Russian newspaper Vesma.

Earlier, the governor of the Irkutsk region, Igor Kobzev, honored the relatives of fallen soldiers with the title of Mothers of the Defenders of the Homeland.

During the post of the district administration, the residents thanked Korosztielev for thinking of the mothers. However, in the comments under the news, many expressed their displeasure at the fact that cheap kits were distributed to the relatives of the dead, 7x7 notes.

In Russia this year, Mother's Day fell on November 27, which is traditionally the last Sunday of November.

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