Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was cheered on by supporters over the weekend after she threatened to shut down the federal government.
November 7, 2022

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was cheered on by supporters over the weekend after she threatened to shut down the federal government.

Greene used Saturday's rally in Georgia as a backdrop for her interview with conservative podcaster Steve Bannon.

"We have serious problems," Greene told Bannon. "So what we have to do as Republicans when we're in control of the purse and we're setting these appropriation bills and our budget is — we have to refuse to raise the debt ceiling," the lawmaker insisted. "We have to get spending back under control and we have to do that by any means possible."

"And if that means a government shutdown, then I'll be calling for a government shutdown," she added.

As Greene called to shut down the government, supporters cheered behind her.

"And you can see the people support what I'm saying, Steve," she pointed out. "Because this government shut our country down with those Covid shutdowns. They destroyed businesses. They took away our freedom of speech. They hurt our children and our children's education and they hurt so many people and we have not forgotten."

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