November 9, 2022

I hate to keep beating this dead horse, but I'm a former journalist and I remain appalled at just how inept (and maybe insidious) our corporate media is.

We just came through months of horse-race "journalism" that focused on questionable polls -- and broad questions.

Q: "Do you think the country's headed in the wrong direction?"
A: "With MAGAts threatening to kill public officials, the Jan. 6th insurrection, a corrupt Supreme Court, losing abortion rights, and Republicans obstructing everything Joe Biden's trying to do? You're goddamned right the country's headed in the wrong direction."

See how that works? These pollsters are asking questions that can be slanted to please the people who pay them - and most of the polls that flooded the narrative were paid for by Republicans. So the media amplifies their false conclusions, and many voters start to believe them:

Will the media admit they were wrong? Will they admit their erroneous conclusions tilted the election? Hahahahaha!

Just kidding.

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