What does it matter? There are enough people who like her and voted for her exactly because she does this kind of hateful thing all the time. They think it's cute! Via Raw Story:
On Wednesday, The Denver Post editorial board tore into Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) by writing "we're looking at you" for her hateful rhetoric against the LGBTQ community in the runup to the mass shooting at Club Q.
"Lauren Boebert ... tweeted this out on Sunday in the wake of the Club Q shooting: 'The news out of Colorado Springs is absolutely awful. This morning the victims & their families are in my prayers. This lawless violence needs to end and end quickly,'" wrote the board. "This is the same person who has previously offered up these gems: 'Take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars' and 'We went from Reading Rainbow to Randy Rainbow in a few decades, but don’t dare say the Left is grooming our kids!'"
"Boebert was rightly excoriated for her role in elevating hateful speech against the LGBTQ community. As an added bonus, her hard-line positions on gun control, ruling out even common sense measures, mean she would not have supported any efforts that might have kept guns out of this shooter’s possession," continued the editorial. "Boebert’s profile made her an easy target for those pointing out the dangerous environment created when we fail to treat our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer neighbors as equals. But she is not the only one in this state, let alone the nation, guilty of perpetuating the rhetoric that fuels fear and hate."