"Former Trump White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin blasted her ex-boss, former President Donald Trump, over the GOP’s failures in the midterms on Tuesday night."
November 9, 2022

This is an amusing - and accurate - take on last night's fiasco by Republicans. Their so-called 'Red Wave' became a complete mirage, mainly due to a plethora of substandard MAGA candidates rejected by voters.

Source: Mediaite

Former Trump White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin blasted her ex-boss, former President Donald Trump, over the GOP’s failures in the midterms on Tuesday night.

Numerous Republicans, including in Virginia, failed to flip Democratic districts. In New Hampshire, incumbent Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated Republican Don Bolduc. In Pennsylvania, Democrat Josh Shapiro handily defeated Republican Doug Mastriano, while, as of press time, Democratic Lt. Gov John Fetterman has been leading Republican Mehmet Oz.

GRIFFIN: The fact is that this is not an Obama-style shellacking by any means. This is not–you can’t really call this a red wave, even though we still have some outstanding votes. So, to Scott’s point, this is the time that the Republican Party needs to ask themselves, are they going to continue to nominate poor-quality candidates to appease Donald Trump? He’s right now over on his Truth Social site celebrating the demise of Republicans who lost, criticizing Don Bolduc, a bad candidate. Maggie Hassan was a beatable candidate. That could’ve been a pick-up for Republicans. But solely because of Donald Trump he ended up being the nominee. He’s celebrating O’Dea a moderate losing in Colorado. If you want the Republican Party to thrive, we’ve got to just finally speak out and say, “This man is a loser, he lost 2020, he’s about to–you know, he’s losing a seat that is winnable this time, in time towards looking what the future might look like.”

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