November 17, 2022

While Republicans are seeking to open an investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop, former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg is dishing out all the dirt on how Donald Trump and two of his children allegedly participated in a scheme to defraud tax authorities. I think that's called tax fraud. Eric Trump and Don Jr. are in big boy trouble.

Via CBS News:

Weisselberg said Donald Trump, or at times Eric Trump or Donald Trump Jr., signed checks to pay up to $100,000 for private school tuition for Weisselberg's grandchildren. Weisselberg said he then instructed the company's controller to deduct the $100,000 from his salary, allowing him to report a smaller income. Copies of some of the checks signed by the Trumps have been shown in court.

Weisselberg said the first time Trump signed a tuition check, Weisselberg told him, "Don't forget, I'm going to pay you back for this." The payback, he said, was the salary reduction.

Two Trump Organization entities and Weisselberg are accused of more than a dozen counts of fraud and tax evasion. Weisselberg entered a guilty plea in August, admitting to charges filed by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office accusing him of receiving more than $1.7 million in untaxed compensation.

Weisselberg, who is still on the Trump Organization's payroll, has over the first two days of testimony described a litany of benefits he and several other executives received for which he said their salaries were similarly reduced to avoid paying taxes.

It feels like Trump will never be held accountable for his misdeeds, but remember that of all of his crimes, Al Capone was sentenced to eleven years in federal prison, fined $50,000, and charged $7,692 for court costs, in addition to $215,000 plus interest due on back taxes. It wasn't his participation in rackets such as gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, bribery, narcotics trafficking, robbery, “protection” rackets, and murder. It was his tax crimes that did him in.

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