November 13, 2022

Apparently, the animals are prized in Russia as pets. Some also joked because of their fastidious nature (they wash their food before eating), they'll be used as washing machines in Russia. In the end, the thief turned out to be a Russian zookeeper in Crimea who took the animals.

The Russian propagandist who admitted the theft from the Kherson zoo called it the only good news to come from Kherson, that "her friend managed to steal a raccoon from the zoo in Kherson." The Ukrainians shared their disgust, deluging the internet with obligatory memes. The full video of the Russians stealing the animals can be seen here. (edit: Or it did, the video now made private, probably embarrassed by all the views it was getting as the Russians stole everything, including llamas, presumably to feed to a safari zoo in Crimea.)

Source: Hot News

After washing machines, toilets and Potemkin bones, Russian soldiers completed their list of things stolen from Ukraine with a raccoon from the Kherson zoo.

Propagandist Anna Dolgareva wanted to share "good news" after the Russians fled Kherson.

In a post on her Telegram channel, Dolgareva said that her "comrade", who was retreating from Kherson with the occupation troops, stole a raccoon from the zoo.

"I was asked for good news about Kherson. But the only good news is that my friend managed to steal a raccoon from the zoo in Kherson," the propagandist wrote.

The news spread quickly on social media, causing an avalanche of jokes and memes.

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