October 18, 2022

GOP nominee Herschel Walker, who is running for a Senate seat in Georgia, was called out by a moderator after he flashed a fake police badge to prove that he has worked in law enforcement, even though that's not true. Well, he just did it again.

During an interview with NBC News, he discussed the sheriff's badge that he flashed on stage.

"That's a badge that I was given by a police officer, and I do have the badge I carry with me all the time," Walker said. "It's a real badge. It's not a fake badge. It is a real badge."

It is, however, not a "real badge."

"This is from my hometown. This is from Johnson County from the sheriff from Johnson County, which is a legit badge," he insisted.

"I have badges all over Georgia," he added.

The internet pounced.

I haven't heard anyone in the GOP say that nominating Walker wasn't their party's best move. Instead, they've circled the wagons around their mentally ill candidate while screaming that John Fetterman can't hold a Senate seat because he had a stroke. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

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