October 23, 2022

During Saturday's rally in Texas, Trump screamed about people leaking to the press and hoped those who leaked and published the Supreme Court draft overturning Roe V Wade should be imprisoned and raped as a punishment.

Trump screamed to the MAGA cult, "You know, in this country, they leak all over the place, even on the Supreme court. By the way, you have to find the leaker of the Supreme..you have to find the leaker."

"So they can't find the leaker," he said again. "He leaked all about Roe v Wade."

"Do you know how you find the leaker? They'll say 'oh, this is treasonous' what I said. This person leaked from the Supreme Court, never happened before; you know how you find? What they don't want to mention this, they think it's so terrible..."

Trump has already committed treason once in the minds of over 81 million people.

"You take the writer -- they are going through phone records; it's been a long time... You take the writer and or publisher of the paper -- and you say, who is the leaker? National Security. And they say, 'we're not going to tell you.' They say, 'that's OK; you're going to jail.'

"And when this person realizes that he is going to be the bride of another prisoner very shortly (Pause)..."

The MAGA crowd approves...

"He will say, I'd very much like to tell you exactly who that leaker was, it was Bill...' and we got him, but they don't want to do that, " Trump whined.

This is illegal and violates the First Amendment. It's horrifying that a former president would glorify prison rape and use it as a cudgel against his political rivals or anyone he feels betrays him.

Trump's words are exactly the kind that Putin, Stalin, or any other fascist dictator would utter.

I wonder if Trump is seeing the same fate for himself without knowing it.

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