“I had not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military,” said Terry Cummings, testifying at the trial of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.
October 13, 2022

An Oath Keeper who traveled to Washington before the Jan. 6 attack testified yesterday about a massive cache of weapons the group stashed in a Virginia hotel room. Via MarketWatch:

Taking the stand in the seditious conspiracy case against Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and four associates, Terry Cummings showed jurors an AR-15 firearm and an orange box for ammunition that he contributed to the so-called quick reaction force the Oath Keepers had staged at the hotel outside of Washington in case they needed weapons.

“I had not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military,” said Cummings, a veteran who joined the Oath Keepers in Florida in 2020.

Prosecutors have said teams of Oath Keepers guarded the arsenal of firearms and were prepared to rush them into the hands of extremists in the capital if needed.

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