October 19, 2022

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and Democratic Rep. Val Demings faced off at Palm Beach State College's Lake Worth campus for their only debate. One of the two looked prepared, and it wasn't Rubio. It might not have been fair for Demings to say that Rubio has done nothing to combat gun violence. Hey, he does tweet out Bible verses. It was clear that Demings did not come to play.

After the conservative-leaning Supreme Court overturned Roe, Republicans have gotten more extreme. Lately, Republicans have been trying to distance themselves from abortion rhetoric as it hasn't gone over well with voters. Demings tore Rubio up.

On abortion:

"As a police detective who investigated cases of rape and incest, no Senator, I don't think it's OK for a girl to be raped and to carry the seed of her rapist," Demings said. "No, I don't think it's ok for you to make decisions for women and girls."

She took out a big-ass flashlight and shined it on Rubio's hypocrisy.

On gun violence:

She called him out.


After murdering Rubio, she kept stomping all over his lifeless body:

Marco Rubio on the dangers of drop boxes:

Rubio suggested that drop boxes for ballots are dangerous because people may blow them up with explosives.

I'll leave you with this.


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