October 28, 2022

While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was not in town, her husband, Paul Pelosi, was "violently assaulted" by someone who broke into their San Francisco home early Friday. The assailant is in custody, but there is no word on the motivation for the break-in or the assault. Paul Pelosi, 82, is currently recovering in the hospital from the attack.

"Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery," said Speaker Pelosi's spokesman Drew Hammill in a statement. Hammill went on to say that the assailant is in custody and that the Speaker was not in San Francisco at the time of the break-in and attack.

The internet is, of course, speculating motives for the attack, but the facts aren't out there yet. We'll update this post when more information comes in.

UPDATE: The would-be assassin was looking for Madam Speaker. He attacked Mr. Pelosi with a hammer, too.

UPDATE: The attacker has been identified as David Depape:

UPDATE: Paul Pelosi is undergoing brain surgery:

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