October 26, 2022

Comedian Rosie Holt doesn't have to go too far into farce in this current state of Tory politics in the UK. Less than a week after resigning under one Conservative leader, Suella Braverman was brought back in the same job under a new leader.

Source: The Guardian

Suella Braverman’s return as home secretary, just days after being forced to resign from the same post over a serious security breach, has sparked an outcry from opposition MPs and a former sleaze watchdog.

The MP for Fareham stepped down six days ago from Liz Truss’s administration after admitting to breaking the ministerial code by sending an official document deemed “sensitive” from her personal email.

Her reappointment on Tuesday came hours after Rishi Sunak pledged to lead the Conservative party with “integrity, professionalism and accountability” on the steps of No 10.

A former sleaze watchdog questioned whether her reappointment was appropriate, particularly because Braverman’s rule breach has not been examined by an ethics adviser.

Alistair Graham, the former chair of the committee on standards in public life, said: “Normally the prime minister would have consulted a ministerial adviser for advice. A breach of the ministerial code is seen as a serious matter and would make any minister an inappropriate appointment to one of the four most senior positions in government.”

As usual, it was left to Labour to call out this bullshit for what it is. Yvette Cooper doing such a job that Braverman fled the chamber rather than take any questions.

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