October 19, 2022

Faux evangelicals Charlie Kirk And Marjorie Taylor Greene attacked Sen. Raphael Warnock, who has been a Pastor for 16 years at Martin Luther King's old church, describing him as evil and an abomination.

MAGA cultists, who are made up of many tea party evangelicals, use religion and Christianity as a cudgel against anyone who doesn't subscribe to their extreme off-the-wall religious, political, racist and homophobic views.

Stumping for the aggrieved liar Herschel Walker, (who throws out religious jargon of some kind when he can't come up with a response to a normal question) Marge and Kirk performed their unchristian duty.

Kirk claimed Walker is such a great guy.

"We're going to defeat Raphael Warnock, who calls himself a Christian, calls himself a pastor, but preaches abortion from the pulpit.,:" Greene said.

"It's such an abomination and is completely wrong and evil," she said.

These people drive away normies from any religious affiliation.

Pastor Warnock is a man of true faith.

The only faith these ingrates know is for political gain.

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