Rep. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala) unleashed a jaw-dropping racist rant during the Trump rally in Minden, Nevada, on Saturday. He didn't even try to hold back.
And let's face it, Trump gave his supporters permission to be the worst people imaginable that polite society has rejected for years. He sure did. They elected an admitted pussy grabber, so they think that means they can be truly awful people, too. Case in point: Tommy Tuberville. Another case in point: Rep. Don Bacon's feeble reaction to Tuberville's racist rant.
On Meet The Press, Kristen Welker asked Bacon, "Are those comments appropriate for a sitting U.S. senator, Congressman?"
That's a really easy question to answer, right? Apparently not.
"Well, I wouldn't say it the same way, but there is a problem in our country with crime," Bacon said. "Major cities have seen a 40 to 50% increase in violent crime. And the primary reason, in my view, is we have these far-left prosecutors, county attorneys, and mayors who are releasing violent criminals back on the street."
"Congressman, there is a different way to say that. I mean, most people heard those..." Welker said.
Bacon interrupted her to say, "I would be more polite."
Welker said, "A lot of people heard those comments as being racist."
"Yeah, that's not the way I present things," Bacon said. "But we've got to be honest that we have a crime problem in our country."
"But do you feel those comments cross a racial line, Congressman?" Welker asked. "Do they cross a racial line?"
And here it comes.
"I don't, I don't, I'm not going to say he's being racist, but I wouldn't use that language, be more polite," he insisted. "But the fact is, we can't ignore we have a 40 to 50% violent crime increase."
Both Tuberville and Bacon have the emotional maturity and empathy of a Tater Tot. That was an easy question if you're not a racist. They're both also dumber than a frozen grocery store chicken. Raise the bar, GOP. It's on the floor.