It’s not too surprising that 2020-coup activist Ginni Thomas would still insist she believes the 2020 election was stolen. That, alone, makes her “a clear and present danger” to the Supreme Court, as MSNBC host Tiffany Cross put it. After all, Justice Clarence Thomas has said, on video, that his job would be “impossible” without his wife, “sort of like, how do you run with one leg? You can’t.” He has repeatedly referred to her as his “best friend,” too.
When Ginni Thomas denied a conflict of interest with her husband, she did so in a very parsed statement that does not deny she discusses her political activism with her Supreme Court justice husband: “Clarence doesn’t discuss his work with me, and I don’t involve him in my work.”
Kirschner said it will be hard to prove her interference in her husband’s work and it’s unknown if she’ll face any charges for her attempts to overthrow the 2020 election. But he said, “on record,” that she lied to the committee when she said the election was stolen - and that's a crime.
KIRSCHNER: That is not a fact-based position that anybody can take. For goodness sake, she's married to a judge. 65 judges, some of whom were appointed by Donald Trump, ruled that there was no fraud impacting the 2020 presidential election and apparently, she takes the position that all 65 judges – left, right, and center - were wrong. And [Trump attorney general] Bill Barr was wrong,
I rarely like to quote Bill Barr as the authority on anything, but [she's saying] Bill Barr was wrong when he said there was no systematic fraud undermining the election results. And Donald Trump's other high government officials who told us that this was the safest, most secure election in American history, they were all wrong and Ginni Thomas tells us she is the one who's right in the election was stolen.
That’s a lie. And when you tell Congress or congressional investigators lies, whether or not they are under oath, that can serve as the basis of a criminal offense.
Of course, it’s possible Ginni Thomas is "merely” completely deranged and delusional. But that doesn’t make her or her husband look any better.