'Disgusting': Trump-Backed NC Candidate Wants To Create An Abortion Panel
Credit: screen capture
October 22, 2022

Trump-endorsed Bo Hines is facing off with his Democratic opponent, Wiley Nickel, in North Carolina's competitive 13th Congressional District. The difference between the two men is staggering. Nickel is serving in the N.C. State Senate, and was a White House staffer for former President Barack Obama. In contrast, Hines once played college football. That's it. That's the 27-year-old's political resumé.

And yet, with zero political experience and having never worked an actual job -- aside from a Capitol Hill internship -- Hines thinks he has somehow earned a seat in Congress. And why not? Republicans nominated Herschel Walker in Georgia.

Republicans have been trying to distance themselves from the topic of abortion ever since the conservative-leaning Supreme Court overturned Roe, and that didn't sit well with women -- or friends of women. You know, the ones that don't hate us for being women.

WRAL: reports:

Hines thinks abortion should be unlawful except in cases where a mother's life is at risk. He wants victims of rape and incest to be allowed to get an abortion on a case-by-case basis through a community-level review process outside the jurisdiction of the federal government.

Last month, Hines scrubbed his site of any harsh abortion language, so we can only assume that he thinks that highly bizarre idea isn't harsh.

How would this abortion panel even work? Does he want to plop a 10-year-old impregnated rape victim in a chair to face off with a panel to discuss her soul-crushing experience? This would only further humiliate victims of rape and incest. Also, this is why a lot of women don't report rape. I assume that this panel would decide whether a victim of a violent attack will be forced to carry her rapist's baby. Do we have to be girlfriends of Herschel Walker to get an abortion? When asked for comment on Hines's idea, Nickel called it "absolutely disgusting."

You can donate to Wiley's campaign here so we don't find ourselves living in Gilead.

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