Alex Jones live-streamed the jury verdict on his video platform and as the monetary awards were being read, he mocked the Sandy Hook families saying, "I killed the kids, folks."
Jones was apparently talking to the families he smeared.
"Hey folks don't start getting any big houses. Don't start buying news cars --ain't no money," Jones said off-screen. "I killed the kids, folks."
"Now remember, I'm in bankruptcy, we got two years of appeals. The money you donate does not go to these people," Jones whined.
'These people,' meaning the family members who suffered the most horrific loss a family could face, losing their children in a senseless massacre and then enduring years of harassment and humiliation in which Jones continually smeared and debased them after the tragedy.
Pining for money, "It goes to fight this fraud. It goes to stabilize the company."
Jones called the justice system 'ambulance chasers."
Jones then begged for donations.
"You want somebody to fight for you, I'm doing it in you see what they do," he cried. "That's where we are that's the whacked out system of the left."
How is attacking grieving families after a vicious school massacre "fighting" for the people?
"I think we had $1 billion," he said. "A billion dollars from me questioning the mass shooting scene it looked political, it looks staged."
The massacre never looked other than it was. A senseless murder of children. Jones decided to use it for profit.