September 19, 2022

After 1:00 am, Donald Trump took to Truth Social to scream into the void, claiming that the Daily Mail's "obnoxious reporter said the crowd (in Ohio) was "uncharacteristically thin," WRONG!!! How do you fight this Fake News?" The venue, though, was not filled to capacity.

Trump ranted about the Fourth Amendment, which protects people against unreasonable searches, then had a freakout moment because, he said, the FBI agents didn't take off their shoes in his bedroom. I'm not sure how he knows that, but OK.

"Arrived in Florida last night and had a long and detailed chance to check out the scene of yet another government "crime," the FBI's Raid and Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago," he said. "I guess they don't think there is a Fourth Amendment anymore, and to them, there isn't. In any event, after what they have done, the place will never be the same. It was "ransacked," and in far different condition than the way I left it. Many Agents - And they didn't even take off their shoes in my bedroom. Nice!!!"

The twice impeached one-term President is a civilian now. Trump was previously issued a subpoena to turn over the top secret documents that he stole. The FBI recovered more than 11,000 government documents and photographs during its search.

I'd like to know why the former reality TV show star had empty folders marked as "classified" at his resort.

Can you help us out?

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