September 1, 2022

Donald Trump is facing possible indictments over his mishandling of top secret documents but took the time to complain to Real America's Voice, the home of insurrectionists, that the FBI made him look like a slob.

Trump spends an inordinate amount of time on third-rate evangelical podcasts just to stroke his ego.

As the time passes after the FBI searched Mar-A-Lago, Trump keeps giving up damning evidence against himself.

Here on cable television, he admits to having the documents in his office despite a sworn affidavit saying he has no documents. That's self-incrimination, Donnie!

The new DOJ filing highlights a photo of Trump's office, displaying top-secret documents on the floor.

Trump is in a perpetual whine state, and today he sounded like a teenager crying because he's not allowed to take driving lessons.

"But I had confidential documents spread out all over my floor. Floor. And like a slob, like I’m sitting there reading these documents all day long or somebody else would be," he said.

"It’s so dishonest when you look at it. And so people were concerned because they said, gee, you know, that’s a strange scene. You look at the floor, and you see documents, right? You have cover sheets of documents. Now, they put them there, John, and they put them there in a messy fashion. And then they took a picture, and they released it to the public," he said.

Trump is mad because the EVIDENCE PHOTO at the CRIME SCENE that is his Mar A Lago office, is unkempt.

Whaaaaaaaaa. I want my mommy!!!!

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