September 21, 2022

New York attorney general Leticia James announced today that her office is suing former President Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Don Jr., and Ivanka for a whopping $250 million for massive business fraud in her investigation that has lasted nearly 3 years.

Trump responded on his failing platform Truth Social and assigned James with a childish nickname,

"Attorney General Letitia "Peekaboo" James, a total crime fighting disaster in New York, is spending all of her time fighting for very powerful and well represented banks and insurance companies, who were fully paid, made a lot of money, and never had a complaint about me, instead of fighting murder and violent crime, which is killing New York State," he screamed into the void. "She is a failed A.G. whose lack of talent in the fight against crime is causing record numbers of people and companies to flee New York. Bye, bye!"

Don Jr. responded, too.

"The bullshit Dem witch-hunt continues!" he tweeted, adding, "This is all about politics. Weaponizing her office to go after her political opponents!"

Eric Trump weighed in.

"Letitia James is not working for the Attorney Generals office - she is working for the DNC… 49 days before her election (newest poll has her tied with a Republican in New York State)," tweeted,

Trump's former fixer Michael Cohen, who went to prison for Donald, couldn't be happier.


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