Thanks, Stephen Colbert, for bringing out the "hypocrisy hippo" for Ted Cruz. As John Amato pointed out, the White House called out Ted Cruz for praising the "bipartisan victory" of a project for Texas he voted against. Via the Guardian:
A spokesperson for Cruz said the senator “made it possible” – but did not contest that Cruz voted against the $1.5tn spending package which contained the highway project.
With Ben Ray Luján, a New Mexico Democrat, Cruz co-sponsored an amendment adding the Ports to Plains highway project to the spending bill earlier this year.
Earlier this month, Cruz tweeted: “The Ports to Plains highway will run from Laredo all the way up to North Dakota and into Canada. This project will bring jobs to Texas and millions of dollars to the state. A great bipartisan victory!”
Yeah, Ted, we get it. You want to have it both ways. You want to withhold your vote to own the libs -- and you want to claim you're helping your state.