September 18, 2022

While about 870 January 6 rioters have been arrested, the majority were not detained. Unsurprisingly, many have been in trouble with the law since the insurrection. Those crimes involve guns, drugs, and domestic abuse.

U.S. Navy reservist Hatchet Speed, accused of joining a group of Proud Boys as he went to the Capitol on January 6, and tried to blame Antifa for smashing the windows, is facing two separate prosecutions.

CBS News reports:

Speed has pleaded not guilty to four federal charges in his January 6 case. But while awaiting trial, he's been indicted on a series of additional charges in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Prosecutors alleged Speed unlawfully possessed firearms silencers and also made a series of firearms purchases after January 6, 2021, in what they called a $50,000 wave of "panic buying."

Prosecutors said, "Speed made comments discussing his admiration for Adolf Hitler, describing Hitler as 'one of the best people that's ever been on this earth' and stating that he 'really want[s] somebody like Hitler to stand up and say, we're going to stand against this moral incineration that we're seeing in the western world.'"

It's not just Speed:

Kene Lazo, who was arrested in May 2021 for his role in the Capitol siege, was arrested again three months later in Norfolk, Va., on domestic violence charges


Maryland resident Elias Costianes:

According to the affidavit, during the execution of the warrant, investigators "Searched the basement of the residence and—consistent with COSTIANES's statement — found four firearms: a Glock Model 17 9mm pistol, a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 semi-automatic rifle, a Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle, and a Remington Model 870 shotgun. Although the Glock and the Smith & Wesson were registered to COSTIANES, the other two firearms were not."

A syringe was also found stashed in his couch cushions. MAGA, these are your people.

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